domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Civil law (legal system)
History Civil law
The civil law system takes as its major inspiration Roman law, and in particular the Corpus Juris Civilis of Emperor Justinian, and subsequent expounding and developments in Medieval Roman Law. Roman law was received differently in different countries. In some it went into force wholesale by legislative act i.e., it became positive law, whereas in others it was diffused into society by increasingly influential legal experts and scholars.
Roman law was in place in the Byzantine Empire until its final fall in the 15th century. However, subject as it was to multiple incursions and occupations in the latter Middle Ages, its laws became widely available in Western Europe. It was first received into the Holy Roman Empire partly because it was considered imperial law, and it spread in Europe mainly because its students were the only trained lawyers. It became the basis of Scots law, though partly rivaled by feudal Common law. In England, it was taught academically at Oxford and Cambridge, but underlay only probate and matrimonial law, inherited by canon law when secularized, and maritime law, adapted from the law merchant through the Bordeaux trade.
Consequently, neither of the two waves of Romanism completely dominated in Europe. Roman law was a secondary source that was applied only when local customs and laws were found lacking on a certain subject. However, after a time, even local law came to be interpreted and evaluated primarily on the basis of Roman law (it being a common European legal tradition of sorts), thereby in turn influencing the main source of law. Eventually, the works of Civilian glossators and commentators led to the development of a common body of law and writing about law, a common legal language, and a common method of teaching and scholarship, all termed the jus commune, or law common to Europe, which consolidated canon law and Roman law, and to some extent, feudal law.
A. Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario.

1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés.
• Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Búscalas en el diccionario, escribe su significado en español.. Agrega las abreviaciones. Indicar que tipo de palabra es (contenido- función)
 Law: (N) Derecho Contenido
 Development: (N) plan, desarrollo, evolución Contenido
 Customs : (N ) agente

2. Idea principal del texto (en español). Explique que dice el texto en sus propias palabras.

La historia derecho civil nace como referencia el derecho romano lo cual resulto de gran importancia ya que se pudo recopilar todo lo que refería el emperador Justiniano en cuanto al derecho civil se refería, todo esto a fin de dar progreso a la ley romana medieval, donde poco a poco fue recibida por diferentes países y darle cumplimiento a las mismas donde comenzó a formar parte de la ley del derecho positivo difundido en sociedad por los expertos jurídicos y los eruditos cada vez más influyentes..
3. Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)

Palabras de contenido: Juris, Civilis, Custom

Palabras de Función: by, in

Sustantivos: Law, Lawyers
Verbos: came, interpreted

Adverbio: completely, academically

Adjetivo: Civil, Legislative

Artículo: a, the

Preposiciones: at, by

Conjunción: that, and

Cognados verdaderos: Legal, positive
Cognados Falsos:

Sufijo: expounding, influencing

Prefijos: subsequent, underlay

B. Estructura de la oración:

1. Seleccione dos oraciones de un texto relacionado con su experticia. (Incluya referencia)

1era. Oración: Roman law was received differently in different countries

Frase nominal: Roman law

Núcleo de la frase nominal: Law

Pre modificadores: Roman

Post modificadores: No Tiene

Frase verbal: was received differently in different countries

Nucleó de la frase verbal: was received

Tiempo verbal: Pasado Simple

2da Oración: Roman law was a secondary source that was applied only when local customs and laws were found lacking on a certain subject

Frase Nominal: Roman Law

Núcleo de la frase nominal: Law

Pre modificadores: Roman

Post modificadores: No tiene

Nucleó de la frase verbal: was a secondary source that was applied only when local customs and laws were found lacking on a certain subject

Tiempo verbal: Pasado Simple
2. Señales algunos referentes presentes en su texto
Pronombres Personales: it, its
Demostrativos: when, which

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