miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Final !!

Escribe una entrada final donde reflexiones sobre los aspectos de tu curso que te ayudaron a caminar esta aventura con éxito.
Incluye los siguientes aspectos:

1. Clases en el salón y clases en el laboratorio

Excelente las clases impartidas por la Doctora Doris Molero nos ayudo mejora nuestros conocimientos básicos en el ingles instrumental que requerimos para nuestro nivel    

2. Materiales: presentaciones PPP, diccionarios, teléfono, computadoras
 Los materiales utilizados fueron muy acorde a nuestras necesidades 

3. Compañeros de clase

Todos excelentes Doctorantes participativos, motivadores, cooperativos con todos ya que formamos una pequeña comunidad donde todos compartimos ideas al respecto de la unidad y el que poco comprendía o se quedaba sin información se la suministraba de la mejor manera siempre apoyándonos mutuamente… a todos gracias en Especial a  Dios y  mis compañeras de cuadra Clemencia Markarian Chami   y Eveling Guerra   ja ja ja       

4. Uso del blog como cuaderno digital

Muy buena Herramienta y como facilitador la comenzare a utilizar ya que nos proporciona mas calidad al momento de compartir ideas 

5. ¿puedes enfrentar un texto en ingles sin miedo?

Si muy bien ya me siento mas motivado por el ingles

6. ¿Vas a continuar leyendo textos en ingles?

Si ahora con mas ganas ya que con este curso he aprendido muchas palabras que no sabia y descubrí que conozco mucho mas de lo que pensé que sabia

7. ¿Que sugieres para los próximos cursos?
Que aprovechen al máximo el curso que no se pierdan nada y mas si la Facilitadora es Doris Molero ya que explica detalladamente las unidades y hace las clase muy dinámicas ya que utiliza las herramientas idóneas para captar el entendimiento de todos



The state and property

Property is the right vested on the individual or a group of people to enjoy the benefits of an object be it material or intellectual. A right is a power enforced by public trust. Sometimes it happens that the exercise of a right is opposed to public trust. Nevertheless, a right is really the creation of public trust, past, present or future. The growth of knowledge is the key to the history of property as an institution. The more man becomes knowledgeable of an object be it physical or intellectual, the more it is appropriated. The appearance of the State brought about the final stage in the evolution of property from wildlife to husbandry. In the presence of the State, man can hold landed property. The State began granting lordships and ended up conferring property and with it came inheritance. With landed property came rent and in the exchange of goods, profit, so that in modern times, the "lord of the land" of long ago becomes the landlord. If it is wrongly assumed that the value of land is always the same, then there is of course no evolution of property whatever. However, the price of land goes up with every increase in population benefitting the landlord. The landlordism of large land owners has been the most rewarded of all political services. In industry, the position of the landlord is less important but in towns which have grown out of an industry, the fortunate landlord has reaped an enormous profit. Towards the latter part of the Middle Ages in Europe, both the State - the State would use the instrument of confiscation for the first time to satisfy a debt - and the Church - the Church succeeded in acquiring immense quantities of land - were allied against the village community to displace the small landlord and they were successful to the extent that today, the village has become the ideal of the individualist, a place in which every man "does what he wills with his own." The State has been the most important factor in the evolution of the institution of property be it public or private

Is, to  

A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de
• Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores
del discurso.
Simon Bolivar (SEE-mohn boh-LEE-vahr) was one of the most powerful figures in world political history, leading the independence movement for six nations (an area the size of modern Europe), with a personal story that is the stuff of dramatic fiction. Yet today outside of Latin America, where he is still practically worshipped, his name is almost unknown.

Born to wealthy Creoles in Caracas, Venezuela, on July 24, 1783, his father died when he was three and his mother six years later. Simon was reared by an uncle with a tutor who exposed him to the writers of the Enlightenment, such as Voltaire and Rousseau, who were inspirations for the French Revolution. The tutor, Simon Rodriguez, fled the country when he was suspected of conspiring to overthrow Spain's colonial rule in 1796.

At 16th, Bolivar was sent to Spain to complete his education and on the way, his ship stopped in Vera Cruz. During an audience with the viceroy, he audaciously praised the French Revolution and American independence, both of which made Spanish officials nervous.

In 1802, he married the daughter of a nobleman in Spain and returned to Caracas, only to have her die a year later from yellow fever. As a way of keeping his mind off of his grief, Bolivar decided to return to Europe to immerse himself in the intellectual and political world he had found so stimulating.

While in Paris, he met Alexander von Humboldt, the great naturalist who had just returned after five years in South America. As von Humboldt spoke of the enormous natural resources and wonders of the continent, Bolivar remarked, "In truth, what a brilliant fate--that of the New World, if only its people were freed of their yoke."

B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso, diga si
son de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

– Marcadores de secuencia y tiempo

on July 24, 1783,three,At 16th,In 1802, year later,after five years

Unidad I Uso del Diccionario


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,
Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Selecciona un texto en Ingles relacionado con tu
campo de experticia. (uno o dos párrafos)
• Lee tu texto y selecciona 5 palabras nuevas.
• Busca en el diccionario y escribe el significado que
mejor se adapte al contexto donde se encuentra.

BARBAROUS:  Barbarios Adj (a)
FRIENDLY; Adj Simaptico
DIGNITY: (Dignati) Dignificar
FREDOMS: Libertad 
• Señala sus abreviaciones:
 No Contienen
• Indica si son palabras de contenido o de función
Declaration of Human Rigtts, Dignity
2. Busca y subraya dos ejemplos para cada una de las
siguientes categorías lexicales:
Sustantivos: State.,  Nations
Adjetivos:  Human, Langer
Adverbios: Highest, Friendly 
Verbos: Shall, Is 
Conjunciones: as, and
Preposiciones: in, of
ArtículosThe, This  
Prefijo: Beging, Kepping 
Sufijo: No contiene
Cognados Falso: No contiene
Cognado Verdaderos:Social, Inalienable

• Escribe cual es la idea principal del texto y escribe con tus propias palabras que dice el texto en
Considerando que la libertad, la justicia y la paz en el mundo tienen por base el reconocimiento de la dignidad intrínseca y de los derechos iguales e inalienables de todos los miembros de la familia humana;
Considerando que el desconocimiento y el menosprecio de los derechos humanos han originado actos de barbarie ultrajantes para la conciencia de la humanidad, y que se ha proclamado, como la aspiración más elevada del hombre, el advenimiento de un mundo en que los seres humanos, liberados del temor y de la miseria, disfruten de la libertad de palabra y de la libertad de creencias.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011


Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He attended a Jesuit school. As a teenager, Coelho wanted to become a writer. Upon telling his mother this, she responded with "My dear, your father is an engineer. He's a logical, reasonable man with a very clear vision of the world. Do you actually know what it means to be a writer?"[1] After researching, Coelho concluded that a writer "always wears glasses and never combs his hair" and has a "duty and an obligation never to be understood by his own generation," amongst other things. At 17, Coelho's introversion and opposition to following a traditional path led to his parents committing him to a mental institution from which he escaped three times before being released at the age of 20. Coelho later remarked that "It wasn't that they wanted to hurt me, but they didn't know what to do... They did not do that to destroy me, they did that to save me."
At his parents' wishes, Coelho enrolled in law school and abandoned his dream of becoming a writer. One year later, he dropped out and lived life as a hippie, traveling through South America, North Africa, Mexico, and Europe and becoming immersed in the drug culture of the 1960s. Upon his return to Brazil, Coelho worked as a songwriter, composing lyrics for Elis Regina, Rita Lee, and Brazilian icon Raul Seixas. Composing with Raul led to Paulo being associated with satanism and occultism, due to the content of some songs. In 1974, Coelho was arrested for "subversive" activities by the ruling military government, who had taken power ten years earlier and viewed his lyrics as left-wing and dangerous. Coelho also worked as an actor, journalist, and theatre director before pursuing his writing career.
In 1986, Coelho walked the 500-plus mile Road of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, a turning point in his life. On the path, Coelho had a spiritual awakening, which he described autobiographically in The Pilgrimage. In an interview, Coelho stated "[In 1986], I was very happy in the things I was doing. I was doing something that gave me food and water – to use the metaphor in "The Alchemist", I was working, I had a person who I loved, I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream. My dream was, and still is, to be a writer." Coelho would leave his lucrative career as a songwriter and pursue writing full-time.
ü      ¿Fecha de Nacimiento?
       24 de Agosto de 1947
ü      ¿En que Ciudad Nació?
       En Rio de Janeiro Brasil
ü      ¿Que Profesión tiene?



Seleccionar un texto que tenga una imagen
Environmental law is a complex and interlocking body of treaties, conventions, statutes, regulations, and common law that operates to regulate the interaction of humanity and the natural environment, toward the purpose of reducing the impacts of human activity. The topic may be divided into two major subjects: (1) pollution control and remediation, resource conservation and management. Laws dealing with pollution are often media-limited - i.e., pertain only to a single environmental medium, such as air, water (whether surface water, groundwater or oceans), soil, etc. - and control both emissions of pollutants into the medium, as well as liability for exceeding permitted emissions and responsibility for cleanup. Laws regarding resource conservation and management generally focus on a single resource - e.g., natural resources such as forests, mineral deposits or animal species, or more intangible resources such as especially scenic areas or sites of high archeological value - and provide guidelines for and limitations on the conservation, disturbance and use of those resources. These areas are not mutually exclusive - for example, laws governing water pollution in lakes and rivers may also conserve the recreational value of such water bodies. Furthermore, many laws that are not exclusively "environmental" nonetheless include significant environmental components and integrate environmental policy decisions. Municipal, state and national laws regarding development, land use and infrastructure are examples.
         Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
         De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Sobre el Mundo y el Medio Ambiente  
         ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
       Leyes Ambientales , estatutos, tratados y entre otros ordenamientos 
         ¿Que palabras se repiten?
Laws , Environmental, Water, Responsibility,
         ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Integrate,  Components, Areas, Natural, National, Municipal
         ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
El Titulo e imagen
         ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Habla en principio sobre las leyes tratados y convenciones sobre la conservación del medio ambiente el cuerpo de ley que regulan en dicha materia, y en la segunda idea trata sobre la conservación y gestión del recurso naturales como bosques, depósitos minerales o las de especie animal, o recursos más intangibles tales como especialmente áreas escénicas o sitios del alto valor arqueológico.

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Civil law (legal system)
History Civil law
The civil law system takes as its major inspiration Roman law, and in particular the Corpus Juris Civilis of Emperor Justinian, and subsequent expounding and developments in Medieval Roman Law. Roman law was received differently in different countries. In some it went into force wholesale by legislative act i.e., it became positive law, whereas in others it was diffused into society by increasingly influential legal experts and scholars.
Roman law was in place in the Byzantine Empire until its final fall in the 15th century. However, subject as it was to multiple incursions and occupations in the latter Middle Ages, its laws became widely available in Western Europe. It was first received into the Holy Roman Empire partly because it was considered imperial law, and it spread in Europe mainly because its students were the only trained lawyers. It became the basis of Scots law, though partly rivaled by feudal Common law. In England, it was taught academically at Oxford and Cambridge, but underlay only probate and matrimonial law, inherited by canon law when secularized, and maritime law, adapted from the law merchant through the Bordeaux trade.
Consequently, neither of the two waves of Romanism completely dominated in Europe. Roman law was a secondary source that was applied only when local customs and laws were found lacking on a certain subject. However, after a time, even local law came to be interpreted and evaluated primarily on the basis of Roman law (it being a common European legal tradition of sorts), thereby in turn influencing the main source of law. Eventually, the works of Civilian glossators and commentators led to the development of a common body of law and writing about law, a common legal language, and a common method of teaching and scholarship, all termed the jus commune, or law common to Europe, which consolidated canon law and Roman law, and to some extent, feudal law.
A. Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario.

1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés.
• Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Búscalas en el diccionario, escribe su significado en español.. Agrega las abreviaciones. Indicar que tipo de palabra es (contenido- función)
 Law: (N) Derecho Contenido
 Development: (N) plan, desarrollo, evolución Contenido
 Customs : (N ) agente

2. Idea principal del texto (en español). Explique que dice el texto en sus propias palabras.

La historia derecho civil nace como referencia el derecho romano lo cual resulto de gran importancia ya que se pudo recopilar todo lo que refería el emperador Justiniano en cuanto al derecho civil se refería, todo esto a fin de dar progreso a la ley romana medieval, donde poco a poco fue recibida por diferentes países y darle cumplimiento a las mismas donde comenzó a formar parte de la ley del derecho positivo difundido en sociedad por los expertos jurídicos y los eruditos cada vez más influyentes..
3. Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)

Palabras de contenido: Juris, Civilis, Custom

Palabras de Función: by, in

Sustantivos: Law, Lawyers
Verbos: came, interpreted

Adverbio: completely, academically

Adjetivo: Civil, Legislative

Artículo: a, the

Preposiciones: at, by

Conjunción: that, and

Cognados verdaderos: Legal, positive
Cognados Falsos:

Sufijo: expounding, influencing

Prefijos: subsequent, underlay

B. Estructura de la oración:

1. Seleccione dos oraciones de un texto relacionado con su experticia. (Incluya referencia)

1era. Oración: Roman law was received differently in different countries

Frase nominal: Roman law

Núcleo de la frase nominal: Law

Pre modificadores: Roman

Post modificadores: No Tiene

Frase verbal: was received differently in different countries

Nucleó de la frase verbal: was received

Tiempo verbal: Pasado Simple

2da Oración: Roman law was a secondary source that was applied only when local customs and laws were found lacking on a certain subject

Frase Nominal: Roman Law

Núcleo de la frase nominal: Law

Pre modificadores: Roman

Post modificadores: No tiene

Nucleó de la frase verbal: was a secondary source that was applied only when local customs and laws were found lacking on a certain subject

Tiempo verbal: Pasado Simple
2. Señales algunos referentes presentes en su texto
Pronombres Personales: it, its
Demostrativos: when, which

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Bienvenidos nuevos blogeros doctorantes de la URBE Ingles Instrumental